Monday, July 30, 2012


aku : kalau aku sakit, kau tolong jagakan eh..
kau : ah, xpayah mengada.. kau dah besar, jaga diri sendiri..


kau : kan aku dah cakap, jangan main panas, kan dah demam...
aku : buat apa kau datang??
kau : abis, nk harap kau jaga diri sendiri pon xmampu..neh aku ada belikan bubur ayam McD kau suka tuh..
aku : xda selera..
kau : jangan mengada.. ubat pon aku dah belikan.. degil mcm anak badak..

# apsal kau datang lg walaupon hanya dalam mimpi?? aku benci kau !!

Friday, July 27, 2012


tetiba teringat kisah lama,

S : nanti awk jadi saya punya isteri ye..

me : boleh tapi kalau awak lamar saya time hari jadi saya ke-25..

S : awak tunggu ye..

# jari kelingking bertemu jari kelingking~

p/s : dah 8 tahun, awak ingat saya lg x?? =)

Saturday, July 7, 2012

I'm tired.

I'm tired of crying.

I'm tired of yelling.

I'm tired of being sad.

I'm tired of pretending.

I'm tired of being alone.

 I'm tired of fake people. 

I'm tired of being angry.

I'm tired of feeling crazy.

I'm tired of feeling stuck.

I'm tired of needing help.

I'm tired of remembering.

I'm tired of missing things.

I'm tired of feeling jealous. 
I'm tired of being different.

I'm tired of missing people.
I'm tired of immature people. 

I'm tired of feeling worthless.

I'm tired of feeling empty inside.

I'm tired of not being able to just let go.

I'm tired of wishing i could start all over.

I'm tired of dreaming of a life I never have.

But most of all, I'm tired of being tired.

Thursday, July 5, 2012


True friendship is the gift of God. The English poet has once said-
"Society, friendship and love
Divinely bestowed upon man".
So, friendship is divinely bestowed upon man. Since friendship is divine it should be cherished by every individual.
Friendship is no doubt useful Friends help in our difficulties. Friends save us in our dangers. Friends give us timely advice. Friends guide when we are perplexed. Friends wish our good friends like us from the core of their hearts. We feel relieved when we tell our sorrow to a friend. A true friend is our asset. Friends share our sorrow and redouble our joy. When we are in pain and agony our friends soothe us. They console us.
Money is an enemy of friendship. Everybody has an attraction for money. When lending or borrowing of money is done between two friends, there is great risk. Friendship may be affected. So it is wise for true friends to avoid monetary transaction. Vanity is another element which breaks friendship. Everybody has self-respect. When a person tries to criticize his friend, their friendship is affected. So friendship must be treated very delicately.
Very often some hypocrites pretend to be friends. They are more dangerous than avowed enemies. By telling soft words they bring enormous ruin to us. A true friend never exploits. He rather surrenders. But at present, the meaning of friendship has changed.
There are many fair-weathered friends. They terminate their friendly tie as soon as their interests are fulfilled. It is very difficult to find a true friend today. It is better to establish true friendship with either a dog or an elephant. Both these beasts will remain faithful to their human friends. Today, friendship between two persons is short-lived.
Good friends exercise good influence. They always help their friends, in distress and inspire them to walk on the right path. But evil friends ruin us completely.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012


u said u know me well...
u said leaving me was the best option for u to see me happy..


" I'll do everything just to see a smile on your face "


screw you.
who do u think you are ha??
how did u know what is the best for me??
are u fortune teller??
