If I could go back in time and meet myself, I would give the following advice to myself..
1. You never know what you have until it’s gone. Don’t take anything for granted.
2. Focus on your strength, not on your weakness. Don’t ever stop doing what you are really good at doing. That’s the essence of who you are.
3. If someone walks out of your life, it’s not the end of your story. It’s just the end of their role in your story.
4. Be yourself. Don’t compare your life to others, you have no idea what their journey is all about.
5. Don’t ever shut a door, you might want to go back.
6. When a door closes, several other doors open up. Don’t waste your time crying in front of a closed door
7. God takes away what you desire to give you more than what you desire. Trust his will.
8. Never a failure, always a lesson. You have not failed – if you learn something from the experience, if it helps you become a better person, if you rise again after every time you fall.
9. If you feel like an outsider, if you feel like you don’t belong somewhere, it doesn’t mean you don’t belong anywhere. It just means you have not yet found where you truly belong. Things always get better, so hang in there.
10. Think before you speak, wait before you criticize and try before you quit.
11. Don’t tell your problems to others. 90% don’t care and the other 10% are happy that you are having them!
12. Life is not meant to be perfect, it’s imperfections are necessary to make us perfect spiritually.
13. Don’t waste your life adoring people who ignore you and ignoring people who adore you, loving those who hurt you and hurting those who love you. There is no need to chase love or wait for friendship. It is there all around you, learn to recognize and value those who truly matter.
14. Let go. Remember the rule , everything that you have always wanted comes the very second you stop looking for it.
15. Forgive everyone for everything even if they are not sorry. Life is too short to waste time holding grudge or being angry at anyone.
P/s: C&P
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